Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Why is Potassium important for aquatic plants??

Potassium is one of the most important nutrients for aquarium plants. It is the member of the  NPK group (Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus) which are the most important nutrients for aquatic plants. Plants need them in a huge amount regularly. So, often a shortage of potassium occurs in the aquarium. That’s when additional potassium has to be supplemented. Aquatic plants absorb potassium in the form of potassium cation K+ .

Monday, December 5, 2016

Seachem Flourish Iron 500ml: Best Iron Supplement for your Planted Tank

For supplementing Iron to your planted tank, Seachem Flourish Iron would be the most trustworthy products in the market. It provides a very concentrated ferrous iron gluconate supplement.  The concentration is about (10,000 mg/liter). It should be only used when iron deficiency appears on the aquatic plants. Users need to use this at recommended dosage. Seachem Flourish Iron contains no trace of nitrate or phosphate. Aquatic plants can easily absorb iron from it than other EDTA sources. It is

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Finnex Planted+ 24/7 Fully Automated Aquarium LED with Controller- Every Aquarists should have it

The Finnex planted + 24/7 fully automated light lets users to have a sunrise , sunset effect on their aquariums. The light offers an awesome 24/7 feature. This 24/7 feature starts to dawn (cool lit color), then slowly move towards a warm sunrise with bright morning, followed by a high lit noon ad then reducing down to a red sunset and finishes the cycle with a blue moonlit night.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

DIY CO2 Aquarium Plant System (CHEAP Alternative for providing CO2)

The DIY co2 system is a cheap alternative to provide carbon dioxide to your plants. It can be tough to set up a DIY co2 system for many aquarists, but with ‘DIY CO2 Aquarium Plant System’ the whole process has become much easier now.

Friday, December 2, 2016

25 Feet - Aquarium Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System

Cleaning the aquarium is one of the most troublesome works to many aquarists. Moreover, cleaning it regularly is tougher, as most often we are very busy and don’t have the time to do it. Well, this Python Aquarium No Spill and Clean Fill have made this work easy for us. With this, you can clean out your whole tank very easily within a short amount of time.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

AQUATEK CO2 Regulator Mini

A good co2 regulator is mandatory for an effective pressurized co2 system. Aquatek has recently become famous for their awesome and effective co2 regulator mini. The Aquatek co2 regulator mini features:

Seachem Flourish Excel 500ml: A Reliable Liquid Carbon Source for your Aquarium

As we all know, Carbon is an extremely important element for the planted aquarium. Co2 increases the growth rate of the aquarium plants. There are many ways to add co2 in your aquarium. But all of them are not very effective and possible for everybody. Pressurized co2 method is a bit expensive than the other methods. On the other hand, a DIY co2 system is not as effective as pressurized co2. In this article, I’ll talk to you about a more middle ground and practical method, that is liquid carbon. Liquid Carbon has become more and more popular nowadays for its effectiveness and cost-effective.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Best lighting systems for your planted tank

Many hobbyists often overlook the importance of lights in the aquarium. Though for normal aquariums, light is not a mandatory option, for planted tank it is. The success of a planted tank depends on what type of lighting system are you providing.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Why Co2 is a must for Planted Tank?

Plants need carbon dioxide in order to grow. It is one of the most basic nutrients for plants. We have all heard about the photosynthesis process. This is also applicable in the case of aquatic plants. Plants need photosynthesis to survive. And for the photosynthesis, co2 is a must element. That’s why, when c02 is added, aquatic plants flourish. Adding c02 is a must for high tech planted tank. It is also advisable to use it in low tech tanks too.