Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Do you need an algae scrubber?

One of the greatest tools for beating down algae is algae scrubber. If you haven’t heard of algae scrubber before, then stick on!

What is an algae scrubber?

Algae scrubber is a small handy tool that effectively cleans off algae from aquarium glass. It generally consists of two parts. One part is for the inside and the other is for the outside. Both parts follow each others motion due to a strong magnetic field.

The inside part has a brush panel or blades with it to remove algae from the glass. The outside part has a handle. So, whenever you drag the outer part, the inside part will follow its motion and clean off algae from its path.

Generally, most of the algae scrubber found in these days is magnetic. As there are thousands of algae scrubber for sale in the market, it can be quite tough to pick a good one.

Hence, here are some characteristics of a good algae scrubber:

-> The scrubber should have a strong magnetization

-> The inside part should have stainless steel blades for glass tank and plastic blades for acrylic tanks.
-> Most good algae scrubbers have anti-floating mechanism with them. So, even if the two pieces get separated from each other, the inside piece will float on the top of the aquarium.

-> The outer part should have a nice comfortable grip.

-> A good algae scrubber removes the most consistent algae within a couple of swipes.

Do you really need one?

Personally, I think, every aquarium owner should have these in their arsenal against a battle with algae. They are very cheap products with extreme usage. It saves time and energy to clean the aquarium glass.

So, why not invest some dollars and make your life comfortable?

Additional Information:


Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to know your aquarium needs fertilizer?

Dosing fertilizer in an aquarium is a pretty confusing step for every planted tank owners. Most hobbyists often wonder how to know their tank needs aquarium plant fertilizer, which fertilizer to dose, how to dose and so on. In this article, I am going to tell you how to know your aquarium needs fertilizer.

The first factor to look out for is the amount and intensity of light you are providing to your aquarium. In high intensity light environment, plants tend to absorb more nutrients. As a result, for excessive absorption, a scarcity of nutrients may occur. On the other hand, in low light tanks, plants don’t absorb much nutrients. So, these tanks typically do fine without any further supplement of fertilizers. Now, it’s time for you to know what type of light, how much intensity of light you are offering to the tank. It solely depends on the species of plant you have. Some plants need high light to thrive (i.e. Rotala Macrandra) and some do fine with less intense light (I.e. Anubias nana). If you have plants that do well in high light, then it’s safe to dose fertilizers. Click here to know more about it.

The second factor to look out for is Carbon dioxide. With additional carbon dioxide supplement, plants tend to absorb more nutrients. Again, the need of supplementing carbon dioxide is directly Co related to the amount of light. If there is highlighted in the tank, the plants will need additional carbon dioxide. With additional carbon dioxide, you’ll also have to dose fertilizers. On the other hand, in low light tanks, there is no need to supplement additional carbon dioxide. As a result, there is no need to dose fertilizers.

The third factor to look out for is if your plants are showing any nutrient deficiency. If they are, it is probably because there is not enough nutrients in the water column and you need to start dosing fertilizers.

So, that’s how you can know if your aquarium needs any fertilizer or not. If you are still confused, comment below and I’ll get to you as soon as I can!

